I am definitely guilty of having an ego, in a most unexpected way - when I train with my husband. I am a 3-stripe white belt and he is a 2-stripe, so I sometimes feel that I should be able to get out of certain positions or know a technique "better" than he does. Rolling with him is sometimes hard because we're supposed to do some light randori, but because he is much bigger and stronger than I am (and to be entirely honest, comes to understand moves in a much different way than I do), I find myself going full-out to try and overcome that. But all that accomplishes is that I get tired and frustrated, and am not being as good a training partner as I should be. So one of our blue belts told me, "You have to leave the ego at the door when you roll with him. You wanna argue at home, that's your business, but keep it off the mats."